BEACON Board Agenda & Meeting Minutes
March Agenda & Minutes
July Agenda & Minutes
November Agenda & Minutes
Science Advisory Committee (SAC) Update
At its March Board Meeting the BEACON Board received a presentation from BEACON Science Advisory Committee (SAC) Co-Chairs Dr. Kiki Patsch and Dr. Doug George on 2023 Activities and Looking Forward to 2024. The BEACON SAC is an important part of the structure of...
BEACON Member Agency Presentations on 2023 Storm Damage
At its January Board Meeting, the BEACON Board heard presentations from BEACON Member Agencies on Coastal Storm Damage in 2023 from a series of storms in January and December, including pre-storm planning, storm damage and responses, and community recovery...
Kelp Project
For the past decade BEACON has been the Lead Agency in delivering an innovative project to demonstrate a method to re-establish kelp in Goleta Bay. The method was developed by Mr. Bob Kiel of the Seattle Aquarium and requires the insertion of three-foot long (2-inch...
Surfers Point Project
In June 2023, the City of Ventura was awarded a $16.2 million dollar grant to implement Phase 2 of the Surfers Point Project. Phase 2 of the project is planned to be completed by 2025, complementing construction of Phase 1, completed in 2012. BEACON has been a strong...
US Army Corps of Engineers: Beach Nourishment at Surfside – Sunset Beach, Orange County, CA
Related Media News Story Links:Long-Awaited Sand Project Gets Underway at Surfside, Newport Beach and San Clemente - Orange County RegisterDates Set for Sand Replenishment Project for Orange County Beaches - LA TimesMajor Sand Projects Gear Up to Replenish OC's Eroded...
Fighting Climate Change with Nature – Surfrider Foundation
Surfrider Foundation: "Known for its iconic surf break and natural beauty, Surfers' Point is located along the Ventura coastline in California. However, a poorly designed bike path and rock seawall fell into the ocean in the 1990s, endangering the public and...
University of California awards more than $80 million in state-funded grants to spur climate action
Originally posted August 23, 2023on University of California website More information:Press releaseFunded projectsAs part of a historic partnership between the University of California and the state of California, the University today (Aug. 23) announced it is...
Save the Date: BEACON Manager-Scientist Summit
BEACON is excited to announce the scheduling of the third meeting between Managers and Scientists. This important annual meeting has several complimentary goals, including: continuing BEACON’s series of annual meetings between managers and scientists; providing both...
Mondos Cove
The Mondo’s Beach Access Stairway Project has been in active development and project planning for the past four years. Starting in 2019 Beacon staff initiated efforts to develop final planning, design, and engineering for a stairway at Mondo’s Cove. Since that time...
Request for Qualifications: Consultant Study
BEACON Seeks Grants Specialist Funding available for Consultant Study of Governance and Financing Options for Integrated Regional Sediment Management and Sea Level Rise AdaptationClick to download PDF