The Mondo’s Beach Access Stairway Project has been in active development and project planning for the past four years. Starting in 2019 Beacon staff initiated efforts to develop final planning, design, and engineering for a stairway at Mondo’s Cove.
Since that time Beacon staff and consultant project managers have worked with staff of the Coastal Commission, local homeowners, staff of the State Lands Commission (SLC), Caltrans, and other interested stakeholders and user groups to develop and finalize project plans. In early 2020 the Board authorized a design and engineering contract to develop a final design and engineering plan for the Mondo’s Cove Public Access Improvement Project located in northern Ventura County with Jensen Design and Survey.
Since January 2020, BEACON and Jensen staff have been coordinating the development and evaluation of project options, as well as solicit community input to project design and engineering. BEACON and the Consultant have met with and coordinated closely with representatives of the Faria Homeowners Association to understand their concerns with public access at Mondo’s Cove and solicit their input on stairway design and engineering.
Jensen staff and their subconsultants completed an initial design plan for the stairway in Fall of 2020, circulating the preliminary plan to interested parties and posting the design to the BEACON website. BEACON staff also held a Zoom public meeting in late 2020 with four dozen individuals to review the initial design and solicit comments and suggestions for changes and improvements.
Several suggestions for design and engineering changes were made, and BEACON and consultant staff evaluated several and incorporated important changes into a final proposed design. Between November 2020 and March 2021 Jensen team members developed a revised stairway design plan which was circulated to interested neighbors and stakeholders and posted to the BEACON website (March 2021-See below).
BEACON staff working with Jensen staff have developed an approach to permit
processing for the stairway project and in June 2021 presented the stairway design and proposed planning approach to representatives of the County of Ventura and the California Coastal Commission.
In July of 2022, Congressmember Carbajal was successful in having the Mondo’s Project included in federal appropriation legislation signed into law by the President. In the past year, Beacon staff and consultant staff have been working closely with the staff of the County of Ventura to successful plan for all the final steps, including stairway construction.
Importantly, BEACON staff considers the development and installation of a beach access
stairway at Mondo’s Cove as part of a program of access improvements at Mondo’s Cove, with
the new beach access stairway being a catalyst for other improvements including pedestrian
access, parking, and road safety that are currently being developed by Caltrans.
BEACON News Stories:
Mondo’s Cove Beach Access Stairway – Apr. 10, 2021
Mondo’s Cove Beach Stairway Project – Oct. 21, 2020

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