BEACON held a unique workshop on June 14, 2021 involving public agency managers and academic and governmental scientists to identify needs and opportunities for better alignment of natural and social science research and coastal regional sediment management and adaptation. Opportunities for public managers and scientists to discuss together and collaborate on developing data are rare and the BEACON workshop was intended to fill this gap.
BEACON sought input and contributions through the workshop sessions identifying important management needs, how research data collection and analysis can support these management objectives, and how BEACON can partner to address and overcome various barriers to build on opportunities for improved science support.
A link to Workshop Summary is here. The full agenda is available on page 9 and the workshop slides are available here. The workshop consisted of several related sessions designed to examine in detail current conditions and possible actions to address barriers, including: A review of the results of the Spring 2021 managers’ survey; A short presentation focused on setting the tone of the need and objectives for the co-development of science and research; A panel of local agency managers to share their perspectives and spark the workshop discussion regarding management needs, science activities, and the interplay between those at the local and regional level; And small group discussions targeting opportunities and strategies to reduce barriers in obtaining and accessing coastal science.
BEACON staff identified several next steps following the workshop, including circulating posting and circulating the Workshop Summary; posting a copy of the draft Science Research Agenda to the BEACON website, and soliciting comments and suggestions from workshop participants, stakeholders, and members of the public on the draft Science Research Agenda.
The BEACON Science Advisory Committee (SAC) will review all of the input submitted and at a meeting in September 2021where it will consider adopting a revised Science Research Agenda document updated based on the input received and additional discussion by the SAC members. Finally, the SAC would present the BEACON Science Research Agenda to the BEACON Board at its November 2021 Board meeting. In the coming year the BEACON SAC will be holding one or more meetings, including a proposed annual Managers-Scientist Summit starting in 2022.
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