BEACON Executive Committee

Director Eric Friedman

Santa Barbara City Councilmember
[email protected]

Director Steven Gama

Port Hueneme Councilmember
[email protected]

Director Vianey Lopez

County of Ventura Supervisor
[email protected]

Director James Kyriaco

Goleta City Councilmember
[email protected]

Director Doug Halter

Ventura City Councilmember
[email protected] 

Bylaws for BEACON Executive Committee

(Adopted by the BEACON Board, March 17, 2023)


The Executive Committee is a standing advisory committee that provides advice and recommendations to the policy making Board of Directors of the Beach Erosion Authority for Clean Oceans and Nourishment (BEACON) as follows:

• An evaluation of BEACON’S goals, structure, and performance, directed
toward continually improving the planning, coordination, and implementation process
(BEACON Bylaws Art. VI, § 1.C) t be conducted at least every other year;
• As needed, review legislative priorities and any legislative proposals (BEACON
Bylaws Art. IV, § B); and
• An annual review of the performance of BEACON’S Executive Director (BEACON
Bylaws Art. IV, § B, Art. VI, § 1.C).


The Executive Committee shall consistent of a minimum of 3 members and up to a maximum of 5 members from the BEACON Board of Directors which are designated as follows:

• The Past Chair;
• The Current Chair;
• The Current Vice Chair;
• One member from the Ventura County area member agencies; and
• One member from the Santa Barbara County area member agencies.

If there is a vacancy, duplicative member, or a member declines participation from the above positions (e.g. retirements, or other reasons), the Chair, at his or her discretion, may immediately appoint a member of the BEACON Board of Directors to serve on the Executive Committee. Thereafter, the newly appointed member(s) will be brought before the BEACON Board of Directors at the next regularly scheduled meeting for confirmation in accordance with BEACON Bylaws Article VI, Section A. Alternatively, the Chair may bring the matter before the Board at the next regularly scheduled meeting.

Each Executive Committee member shall serve for a two-year term, or if applicable, at the will and pleasure of their appointing authority. Executive Committee members may re-appointed to additional terms without limitation.

BEACON consultant staff shall provide support for Executive Committee including scheduling of meeting locations, preparing and distributing agendas and meeting materials, and taking meeting minutes.

3.0   VOTING

Each voting member shall be entitled to one vote. (Bylaws, Art. IV § D.) Only voting members who are present at the meeting may make a motion, second a motion, or vote upon a motion under consideration by Executive Committee. A motion shall pass if approved by a simple majority of the members present at the meeting unless otherwise required.

BEACON Executive or consultant staff may present recommended Board actions to the Executive Committee to receive the committee’s professional advice and input. The Executive Committee may recommend approval of BEACON Executive or consultant staff recommendations or may formulate and approve its own recommendations and shall not be bound by those presented by BEACON Executive or consultant staff. BEACON Executive or consultant staff shall report to the BEACON Board of Directors on recommendations approved by Executive Committee.

4.0   QUORUM

A quorum shall be two-thirds of the committee members (e.g. 2 of 3, or 3 of 5 members). A quorum shall be required for the conduct of any business of the Executive Committee. (Bylaws, Art. V, § 1.) No business shall be conducted by a committee without a quorum. (Bylaws, Art. V, § 1.)


Officers of the Executive Committee shall include a Chair and Vice Chair. The Current Chair and current Vice Chair of the BEACON Board shall serve as the Chair and Vice Chair of the Executive Committee. The Vice Chair shall serve as the Chair, pro tempore, when the Chair is absent.


Either the Chair or Vice Chair may represent the Executive Committee before the BEACON Board of Directors as may be needed to facilitate Board discussion on issues germane to the Executive Committee’s advisory role.


Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held at least twice annually. The Chair may call additional meetings of the Executive Committee at his or her discretion as may be necessary. At the discretion of the Chair, meetings may be rescheduled or cancelled.

Meetings shall be conducted in compliance with the Ralph M. Brown Act as amended (Government Code Section 54950 et seq.)


A two-thirds majority of the BEACON Board of Directors shall be required to adopt these bylaws and any amendments to these bylaws. The Executive Committee may recommend bylaw amendments to the BEACON Board of Directors.

A Special Thanks to  Our Member Agencies

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