Mondo’s Cove Beach Access Stairway

Mondo’s Cove Beach access stairway revised design drawing and description is included below. Based on the input from neighboring residents, stakeholders and interested members of the public, the consultants to BEACON, Jensen Design and Survey, Inc., have produced a...

NOTICE: Amendment to BEACON Bylaws Request

BEACON staff is recommending the BEACON Board of Directors amend the BEACON Bylaws expressly incorporating into the purposes, objectives and authorities of BEACON, regional coastal beach access, and regional-level climate, sea-level rise adaptation, and coastal...

BEACON Strategic Planning Goals

At the November BEACON Board meeting, the Board heard a presentation on the proposed BEACON Strategic Planning Goals and Objectives. BEACON is interested to hear comments, suggestions for changes, corrections, additions, etc. to the draft document from the public and...

Sea-Level Rise Adaptation Plan

At the November 20, 2020 BEACON Board meeting the County of Ventura presented the accompanying Power Point slide show on the County’s Sea-Level Rise Adaptation Plan....

Mondo’s Cove Beach Stairway Project

BEACON is coordinating the planning, design and engineering of a beach access stairway at Mondo’s Cove beach, adjacent to the community of Faria Beach. Below are draft concept illustrations and engineering drawings depicting the stairway which were presented at a...

Beach Nourishment Response at Carpinteria Beach & Goleta Beach

Sequence of Events Thomas Fire – December 2017 Montecito Debris Flows – January 9, 2018 Immediate Aftermath – January thru March 2018 Channel & street sediments taken to Carpinteria & Goleta Beaches Debris basin sediments taken to Buellton & Santa Paula...